6-8 iBlock Topics

Becoming a Digital Citizen with MAD-learn

iBlock Objective:

In this iBlock, students will learn about what it means to be a digital citizen and the responsibilities that come with it. In addition, they will learn about app design and creation. Then, they’ll plan, design, create, test, and improve an app of their own to educate users on becoming a digital citizen. Students will create a pathway to digital citizenship utilizing MAD-learn’s app development platform. Finally, students will have the option to create a new mission statement for their school, incorporating elements of digital citizenship to bring the mission statement into the 21st century.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: Digital Citizenship
  • Secondary Focus: Computer Science & Digital Fluency
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: MAD-learn
  • Related Industry Sectors: Information Technology, Software Development


Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. (RH7, 6-8)

Building Literacy: Create a Short Story

iBlock Objective:

Despite the natural fast-paced read element to short stories, this type of literature typically contains the same components of a standard novel including characters, conflict, plot, and a theme. In this iBlock, students will develop a short story using their knowledge of literary elements and work through the process of writing a story: character development, narrative arc, developing visuals, reviewing one another’s work, and presenting their final product.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: ELA/Writing
  • Secondary Focus: Art
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Related Industry Sectors: Arts, Media, & Entertainment, Communication


Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

In literary texts, analyze how elements of plot are related, affect one another, and contribute to meaning. (6-8R3; RL)

Building Literacy: Design a Comic Book

From images, to text, to color palette, there is a lot to consider when designing a comic book. How are comics similar to a short story? How are they different? In this iBlock, students will investigate the history of comics and various comic texts before creating their own masterpiece. With attention to how established comic artists perfect their craft, these modules will help unleash creativity and provide a new means of expression. Finally, students will bring all of their hard work together as they create their very own comic convention.

  • Grade Bands: 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: ELA, Art
  • Secondary Focus: Communications, Visual Design
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Related Industry Sectors: Arts, Media & Entertainment, Communication


Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art. (Anchor Standard 10)

Clean Water and Sanitation

iBlock Objective:

Across the globe, billions of people lack access to clean water. Among the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, goal number six is to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Throughout this iBlock, students will explore where drinking water comes from, identify contaminants, and ultimately design and engineer their own water filtration system.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: STEM, Science
  • Secondary Focus: Math
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D printer
  • Related Industry Sectors: Agriculture & Natural Resources; Energy, Environment, & Utilities


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Typically, as human populations and per-capita consumption of natural resources increase, so do the negative impacts on Earth unless the activities and technologies involved are engineered otherwise. (Next Generation Science Standards, MS-ESS3-3; MS-ESS3-4

Coding a Classification System

iBlock Objective:

It’s crucial that today’s students become fluent in computer science skills and concepts. In this iBlock, students will build their computer science fluency as they conduct research on a topic of their choosing and develop a fully functional coding application to help them gain a better understanding of their research. Students will utilize computer programming software to go through the process of finding, organizing, classifying, and presenting research. In addition, students will create a visual and written plan for the logic of their program and create a fully functional program that takes user input and answers the student’s original question.

  • Grade Band: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Physical Computing and Computer Programming
  • Secondary Focus: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: Piper, pi-top
  • Related Industry Sectors: Information & Communication Technologies


Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering. (HS-ETS1-2)

Create a Video Game

iBlock Objective:

Within the last 40 years, video games have been an essential part of our media entertainment. From arcades to home consoles, and now to our smartphones, video games have found many outlets in which new audiences can be reached. In this iBlock, students will create their own compelling video game from start to finish using Bloxels, and then create their own official video game reviews.

  • Grade Band: 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Literacy
  • Secondary Focus: Engineering Design
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Required Technologies: Bloxels, Makey Makey (extension only)
  • Related Industry Sectors: Arts, Media, & Entertainment


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Determine the key ideas or conclusions of a source; trace the source’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the source. (Next Generation ELA Standards, 9-10RST2)

Designing a Board Game

iBlock Objective:

Board games are experiencing a tremendous revival, fueled by new styles of gaming. A shift from luck and conflict to strategy and cooperation has brought new players into the genre. In this iBlock, students will plan a game, research game mechanics, design their play area and pieces, and then determine how to play-test their creation. Finally, they’ll examine how to package and publicize their game, and maybe even present a sales pitch to interested buyers.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Foci: ELA, Engineering
  • Secondary Foci: Art, Marketing
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D printer
  • Related Industry Sectors: Arts, Media, & Entertainment; Marketing, Sales, & Services


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Demonstrate persistence in developing skills with various materials, methods, and artmaking approaches in creating works of art or design. (NYS Learning Standards for the Arts, VA. Cr2.1.7a.)

Engineering 3D Printed Instruments

iBlock Objective:

The sound an instrument produces has a lot to do with the materials that it’s made of. An instrument made of wood has a very different sound than one made of brass. What about a plastic instrument? In this iBlock, students will investigate the science of sound, how instruments produce sound, and the difference materials can make in producing that sound. In addition, students will explore the anatomy of particular instruments, and become familiar with the foundations of music composition and 3D design.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: Musical Instruments, Sound Engineering
  • Secondary Focus: Music
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D Printers, Makey Makey
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Manufacturing & Product Development; Arts, A/V Technology & Communication


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information. (4-PS4-3)

Engineering an Assistive Game Controller

iBlock Objective:

In this iBlock, students will learn about inclusivity, game controller design, and the gaming industry. Then, they’ll work towards creating a game controller for a gamer with disabilities to use with a simple coded video game. This iBlock takes students through the engineering design process from research on disabilities and the history of the game controller to designing and building an assistive controller and simple game, to improving their device and hosting an arcade event!

  • Grade Band: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Engineering, Programming
  • Secondary Focus: ELA, Communication
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: littleBits, Sparkfun, Makey Makey, 3D printer
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Manufacturing & Product Development


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. (MS-ETS1-2)

Fashion for Function: Smart Wearables

iBlock Objective:

Wearable technology has changed quite drastically since the first items hit stores. Some of the most drastic changes and innovations in “smart” wearables have been focused on making them aesthetically pleasing while also serving a purpose, whether that’s fashion, health, or entertainment. In this iBlock, students will design a unique piece of wearable technology that fulfills a function. Who knows — maybe one day it will climb to the top of gift idea lists!

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: Design, Fabrication, and Engineering
  • Secondary Focus: ELA and Marketing
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: micro:bit, Makey Makey
  • Related Industry Sectors: Fashion & Interior Design; Marketing, Sales, & Services


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. (MS-ETS1-2)

Financial Literacy

iBlock Objective:

You may have heard it said before, but it’s never too early to start preparing for your financial future. In this iBlock, students will explore key concepts in personal finance and map out a plan in order to give them a secure financial future. Tasks include creating a budget, preparing savings and credit accounts, building an investment portfolio, and presenting the final product.

  • Grade Band: 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Economics and Financial Literacy
  • Secondary Focus: Future Readiness
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Related Industry Sectors: Finance, Business


Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Spending 12-9: Having an organized system for keeping track of spending, saving, and investing makes it easier to make financial decisions.

Geometric Self-Watering Planter

iBlock Objective:

Are you looking for a creative, project-based way to teach your students about computer-aided design? In this iBlock, students will construct a geometric self-watering planter in Tinkercad. This project will utilize advanced skills in CAD software and challenge students to think mathematically while designing.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: CAD
  • Secondary Focus: Geometry
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D printer, laser cutter, micro:bit soil moisture sensor
  • Related Industry Sectors: Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources; Marketing, Sales, & Services


Here is a sample NGSS standard for this iBlock:

6-7.G Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.

Mars Colony: Engineering Expedition

iBlock Objective:

It is the not-too-distant future and humankind is getting ready to take the next great step in space exploration: a colony on Mars! Intrepid individuals with skills in various STEAM areas are called to assist in planning and building the future colony, and the most daring of them will live there as the very first Martians! In this iBlock, students will research space exploration, Mars, and survival essentials before planning for a historic trip to populate a new planet. Students will need to plan and build solutions for the essentials — habitat, transportation, communication, and more. Together, we can bring humanity to the next era of its development.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: Engineering, Social Studies
  • Secondary Focus: Communication, Math
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: Sphero RVR, littleBits, Sparkfun, SAM Labs
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Information & Communication Technology; Transportation


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. (MS-ETS1-1)

No Poverty and Zero Hunger

iBlock Objective:

When the United Nations created its Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, they stressed the importance of addressing world poverty and hunger. The first goal aims to eliminate poverty, while the second goal aims to end hunger, achieve food security, and promote sustainable agriculture. In this iBlock, students will work to help the UN achieve these goals by designing a window planter that will produce low-cost, high-yield crops in the most efficient manner possible.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: STEM
  • Secondary Focus: Math
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D printer, Labdisc
  • Related Industry Sectors: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Changes in biodiversity can influence humans’ resources, such as food, energy, and medicines, as well as ecosystem services that humans rely on—for example, water purification and recycling. (Next Generation Science Standards, MS-LS2-5)

Robotics: Robotic Amusement Park

iBlock Objective:

For over 100 years, amusement parks have garnered the love of many families through their incredible rides. In this iBlock, students will research various amusement park rides so that they can design and build their own dream ride. Along the way, they’ll test their design and make improvements. Finally, the students will get their creations ready for their grand debut, and even bring their rides together to create a class theme park.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: STEM
  • Secondary Focus: Physics
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: littleBits, Ozobot, Sparkfun, Sphero
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Information Technology; Manufacturing & Product Development


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

A solution needs to be tested, and then modified on the basis of the test results, in order to improve it. (Next Generation Science Standards, MS-ETS1-4)

Robotics: Robotic Field Day

iBlock Objective:

In our technologically advanced society, we can now program robots to compete for us! Students will show off the very best of this new age of technology while learning about the importance of the past. In this iBlock, students will research the history of past sporting events and create robots to compete in specific games for their very own futuristic robotic field day!

  • Grade Band: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Robotics
  • Secondary Focus: Engineering
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: ROBOTIS Kits, UBTECH, 3D printer, Cubelets
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Information & Communication Technologies; Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample NYC P12 Science Learning standard for this iBlock:

reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost. (3-5-ETS1-1)

Rube Goldberg Machines

iBlock Objective:

Rube Goldberg Machines accomplish a simple task through an elaborately humorous and overcomplicated method. In this iBlock, challenge your students to think outside the box and discover the unexpected kinetic properties in everyday objects as they design their own Rube Goldberg Machine (RGM). In order to build their contraption, students will research and explore simple machines and chain reactions and how they both relate to the world around them. From ideation to interaction, students will engage in creative thinking, critical reasoning, and teamwork as they engineer these truly unique machines.

  • Grade Band: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Problem Solving and Engineering (Elementary, Middle) / Engineering and Physics (High)
  • Secondary Focus: Design and ELA (Elementary, Middle) / ELA and Business (High)
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: littleBits, Cubelets, Sphero, 3D printer, etc.
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Arts, Media, & Entertainment


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Make observations to provide evidence that energy is conserved as it is transferred and/or converted from one form to another. (4-PS3-2.)

Space Systems: Create a Model of an Eclipse

iBlock Objective:

The Earth-Sun-Moon system has been studied for thousands of years. The interaction of these celestial bodies impacts our tides, seasons, and perceptions of time. In this iBlock, students explore the size and scale of our solar system and the phenomenon of eclipses. Then, students get to design and construct a model of our Earth-Sun-Moon system using 3D printers, and use that model to recreate a solar and lunar eclipse.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: Astronomy, 3D Printing
  • Secondary Focus: Engineering
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D printer
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Manufacturing & Product Development


Focus of the iBlock:

An iBlock provides a cross-curricular, holistic learning approach by structuring your learning content with a primary and secondary subject focus (see this in action below). But because iBlocks are also customizable and expandable, these foci can change to suit your school’s needs, should you choose to tailor your iBlock.

An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Develop and use a model of the Earth-Sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the Sun and moon, and seasons. (MS-ESS1-1)

Tiny Houses

iBlock Objective:

With the world population estimated at around 7.7 billion, concerns rise over issues like housing, natural resource use, and environmental impact. Tiny houses have emerged as a movement and potential solution to mitigate our demands on energy consumption and our lifestyle footprint. Throughout this iBlock, students will explore energy consumption and efficiency, identify ways in which tiny homes can address efficiency concerns, design and engineer a tiny home solution model, and present their models at their very own home show.

  • Grade Band: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Science (Elementary), STEM (Middle)
  • Secondary Focus: Math and Engineering (Elementary), Human Impacts and Engineering (Middle)
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: littleBits STEAM Kit, 3Doodler, Squishy Circuits
  • Related Industry Sectors: Engineering & Architecture; Marketing, Sales, & Services


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Obtain and combine information from books and other reliable media to explain phenomena. (4-ESS3-1)
