Scalable. Repeatable. Customizable.
The iBlock Advantage
An iBlock is a project-based learning experience, ready to launch in any K-12 environment.
We have over 40 topics available in our library, including sequences that grow with your students as they develop 21st century skills and academic knowledge in areas like coding, robotics, advanced literacy, and more.
Explore the iBlock Solutions
A dynamic digital platform built to support experiential PBL activities that engage students in critical thinking, teamwork, and fun!
iBlocks Online is the digital companion to iBlocks PBL. This easy-to-use platform allows students, teachers, and administrators to implement unforgettable project-based learning experiences.
The platform makes it easy for students to record information, iterate ideas, log progress, and more. Plus, it saves teachers time by taking the guess work out of planning and implementing complex projects. Student progress is saved and accessible at the touch of a button, allowing educators to support individualized learning while encouraging both self-sufficiency and collaboration.
Learn MoreWhy iBlocks?
Out-of-the-box PBL for schools
Bring STEM into the classroom with activities that excite students, take the pressure off teachers, and align to important learning standards.
Easy lift, high reward for teachers
Put the “wow” back into STEM learning with project-based activities that engage students in critical thinking, teamwork, and fun.
Get students excited about STEM
Provide students with hands-on learning that puts them in the lead as they investigate, explore, and create!
Authentic learning to last a lifetime
A partnership made in heaven.
Meet Jennifer, the granddaughter of the famous Rube Goldberg, and learn about our mission to bring Rube Goldberg Machine fun into every classroom.
Rube Goldberg Inc has teamed up with Teq to create a series of Rube Goldberg Machine iBlocks.
Rube Goldberg Machines are silly, complicated, wacky inventions that perform a simple task like flipping a switch or pouring a bowl of cereal. Teq’s Rube Goldberg Machine iBlocks use the Engineering Design Process and create the foundation that engages and encourages students to experience problem-solving through creation and innovation where invention turns play into lifelong skills. Rube Goldberg Machines prove that your kids are the smartest and most creative people in the world!
Artwork Copyright © and TM Rube Goldberg Inc. All Rights Reserved. All materials used with permission.
iBlocks project-based learning (PBL) has earned the iKeepSafe COPPA Safe Harbor and FERPA Certifications. These certifications signify that iBlocks has been proactively and independently assessed by iKeepSafe, and makes it easy for schools to identify websites, apps, data management platforms, and other technology products that follow various standards in the areas of privacy, safety, and security governing student data.
iBlocks project-based learning (PBL) meets the “Tier 4 – Demonstrates a Rationale” level of evidence under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As a provider of certified, evidence-based programs, Teq is among the industry leaders able to empower schools, districts and states to buy and use their solution to drive student outcomes. Teq worked with LearnPlatform, leveraging their third-party evidence services to complete this research work.